Thursday, November 30, 2017


Today was definitely better than yesterday! We began our crazy Thursday withOUT morning choice. Today, we began by cleaning and organizing our binders and our tubs. Then, they moved on to ST Math for i-time. I also opened the warm fuzzy store for the first time this year. Ask your kiddos if they bought anything! After our mindset special, we finished the fantasy chapter and read a tiny bit of girl fiction and found out that Trip is a girl in this chapter! This should be fun! We read independently and then in Reader's Workshop, used the text features we discussed yesterday to answer questions about the story and the author's craft. In Writer's Workshop, we looked at the writing checklist for opinion writing and searched for the differences between 3rd and 4th grade. Knowing the expectations and differences help a lot when learning and writing. Unfortunately, it was indoor recess due to the rain and after quiet time, we went over a couple questions students had with their Math 4 Today and then picked up where we left off yesterday in Math Workshop. I saw a lot of light bulbs today as they FINALLY grasped the understanding of equivalent fractions! Our day ended with musical rehearsal.

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