Friday, November 3, 2017

Goodbye, Nick and Lauren!

Today, we said goodbye to our Academy EDU students, Nick and Lauren. We loved having them be a part of our team, our class. They shared that they really loved being here too! I think they'll both make great teachers!

It was also a crazy Thursday, so, of course, we had a crazy schedule. We began with a vertical team 3-act math task about Bucky the Beaver, Wisconsin's mascot. Then, we had our mindset special and when we returned, we took a few minutes to enjoy a treat from Miss Lauren and said our goodbyes. We also finished, The Wild Robot and have heard that there's a sequel so we HAD to go to Peter Brown's blog to find out when it is coming out! We read independently and kept drafting and revising and editing our small moments narratives. After lunch and recess and some quiet time, we went over our Math 4 Today and then moved on to Science where we showed weathering and erosion with chocolate chip cookies! Yum! We ended our day with music rehearsal.

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