Thursday, November 16, 2017


One kiddo said, as we were dismissing, "Why do we have so many rules?!" (I had just shared to stay on the right side of the hallway and wait until the 5th graders left, and to not cut through the office... Anyway, as I headed home, I started thinking about this. Do we have too many rules? Driving, on the right side of the road, I realized, "No. We have just the right amount of rules because the rules we have serve a purpose." So, in our meeting, we read a few books, Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen being one of them and watched a video with a book being read aloud, What If Everybody Did That? The creator of the video started it with the word, Kuleana-which is a Hawaiian word meaning Responsibility and Self-Discipline. I promised to only 'create' rules when there is a specific purpose and they promised to follow rules because they know there is a specific purpose for the rules. Ask your kiddo about Kuleana.

We've also been working on fractions in Math and making inferences in Reading. In Writing, we're trying to get our small moment stories published but it's taking some kiddos FOREVER! In Science, we are continuing our work on our weathering and erosion landform brochures and we are at about 40,000 years ago in Ohio's History... :)

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