Monday, November 13, 2017

ACTIVE participation

I think I mentioned this phrase many, many times today... it's getting really frustrating that some-even after 12 weeks already-aren't actively participating in their education. I don't know what to do to get some of them "off the bench" but hopefully, soon, we'll be playing with an entire team.

We continued our subtraction with Exploding Dots during i-time and then after gym, in meeting, we shared about our weekend and played a few rounds of "Would you rather?" In Nightmare at the Book Fair, Trip somehow ended up on the Apollo 11 headed for the moon! (We're reading the Historical Fiction chapter.) We read silently and then Mrs. Bargar came in to teach us how to evaluate websites. We are not very good at this...we think too much is true just because it looks nice on the web. Ask your kiddo about the tree octopus!! All but 2 groups thought this was real! We've got some work to do with this before researching begins. We had lunch and recess and during quiet time this week, instead of completing our M4T, we are taking an end of the first trimester check-in. Then, in math workshop, we made fraction kits. Our day ended with sharing our timelines and continuing with our study of Ohio's history.

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