So, this was me on recess duty on Friday. I HATE to be cold! However, it seems that the kiddos don't really care as there were students wearing SHORTS! or with only sweatshirts and not coats! Unfortunately for me, we go outside for recess as long as it is 20 degrees so make sure your kiddo dresses or prepares for the weather!
In i-time, we learned subtraction with Exploding Dots! We did some annihilations and un-explosions with Tods (anti-dots). I'm trying everything I can to get some of these kiddos to understand place and value enough to manipulate numbers to add, subtract, multiply and divide and for some, I think this might be the way! Please, please have your kiddo show you!
After music, we came back and in meeting, read, H is for Honor, and used fortune tellers to learn about Veterans Day. In Nightmare at the Book Fair, we completed the Mystery chapter and also the Reference intermission. We are really understanding the different genres of literature and are intrigued at maybe finding some new books to read. Friday was also the end of the first trimester so we submitted our ___ "book" challenge information so far. We usually have these on our ipads at school but since they submitted it on Canvas, you can see your child's progress now too! Have them share it with you! We read independently and got caught up on our Reader's Workshop work and small moment story. After our frigid recess, we completed our Math 4 Today assessment and if the majority of the class gets 8, 9 or 10/10, there will be a surprise for them Monday morning. In Math Workshop, we kept working with understanding fractions. We ended our day working on our landform brochures.
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