Tuesday, November 28, 2017

E + R = O revisited

So, they all confessed as soon as they saw me that their talking and behavior was not ideal yesterday. I asked why and their response was that some feel that they can do whatever they want with a sub there. This led our discussion to them complaining about me being absent and about hating subs. I totally get it. I didn't want to be out yesterday and get poked and prodded and all of that. This then led to a reminder about E + R = O. We cannot change the events that happen (a sub in the classroom for them or my pre-surgery testing), however, we have complete control over our response. After we discussed this from yesterday, I shared with them about our out-of-the-ordinaries for today which was STAR testing. Again, with the complaining. Again, with the, we cannot change the events that happen (taking STAR or giving STAR), but we can change our response! This is the adjusting and adapting part of the R-factor. So, what ended up happening is a lot of kids took their time and did their best work on the STAR assessments which is going to give me a lot of good data to help guide and personalize my instruction. This new response made the outcome much better!

Other than STAR testing, we finished some work up from yesterday in Reading as well as completed some background information for opinion writing using a StoryWorks article on if it's good for kids to be bored sometimes and looking at BOTH sides of the argument. In Math Workshop, we had a gallery walk looking at the posters we made yesterday about sharing sub sandwiches. We had an excellent discussion about this too! Our day concluded by going to the media center and continuing to learn about research with Mrs. Dornburgh.

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