Thursday, March 1, 2018


Today was better but still off... tomorrow will be even better-I know!

We began with a silent work environment and took the time to clean and organize our tubs and binders. Some still have some work to do with their binders but I think we are making progress! Then, we found words that fit our word study patterns and had a great meeting, I'm sure. (I was sharing my final passion project so I wasn't in there for this-Mrs. Andrews was hanging out while Mrs. Hider was teaching.) After mindset, they read Wishtree and then read independently followed by reading the drama, "I Have a Dream," aloud. After reading the drama, they worked on cause and effect and then spent the rest of the time gathering research for their historical fiction story they will be writing next week. Unfortunately, it was indoor recess. After quiet time and a number talk with Mrs. Hider, we continued our metric system conversions. These are TOUGH but once they figure out the 10x pattern of the metric system, they move quicker. They are also struggling a bit with figuring out what they are supposed to do when given word problems, which is causing a few of them to struggle. Some also worked on FACEing Math to practice converting, after finishing the other problems. **This was supposed to come home for them to work on so that they get the extra practice! We ended our day with discussing the American Revolution and the Northwest Territory, in Social Studies.

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