Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Mrs. Hider has been out sick this week and although that is a "BOO!" I have been teaching! I've missed it so much and although I've had a sinus infection and feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head, have loved every minute of it!

In Word Study, we are working with homonyms-all of us. In Restart, Chase is putting the pieces together that he wasn't such a nice boy and that people are scared of him and for legitimate reasons. In Reader's Workshop, we completed another reader's response. This time, we read an informational text about how to make a rainbow. Then, on Canvas, we compared and contrasted the two different methods for making this work. Unfortunately, they STRUGGLED with this! They had no idea how to formulate their ideas and respond appropriately to the text. So, we spent an extra 30 minutes on the Answer Sandwich. We practiced restating the question and giving a gist answer. For example, if you ask you child, "What did you do at school today?" They should be able to respond, "At school today, we did many things." or "Today at school, we did a lot!" as just a couple examples. In Math, we measured our pencils to gather data for creating a line plot. Then, we made tape shapes on the floor and found the area and perimeter of our shapes. Yesterday, we finished up measuring and naming angles. 

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