Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Today was a rough day. Yesterday, we earned like 3 potato head pieces and today, I was ready to take minutes off their recess! They would NOT stop talking and goofing! So, this afternoon, we tried to free ourselves of distractions and put as much away as possible. We also realized that we NEED to organize our tubs and binders! My rule is that we only need to keep what we are currently working on (other than the standard things that stay in our binders.) So, in Reading, they only need things that are from our current StoryWorks-February; in Math, they only need things that pertain to measurement. Feel free to help your child organize their binders and book bags!

We completed our word sort this morning since we weren't able to yesterday followed by Art. They took too long trying to walk back from Art quietly so they didn't have time for an activity but shared what they enjoyed about LivBits yesterday. There was some drama in Wishtree today when LEAVE was carved into her... the kids are doing a wonderful job making inferences and understanding the figurative language and deeper meaning of this text. After reading independently, they read the drama, "I Have a Dream," aloud again and discussed the setting and why it is such an important role in historical fiction. They also had some time to continue researching for their own historical fiction. Lunch and recess were great-a little chilly with the breeze-but nice. We had quiet time and really tough number talk, however, we did great trying to keep all those numbers in our minds! In Math Workshop, we worked on understanding conversions with time and the metric system. We continue to solidify our understanding of place and value and the 10x understanding of our base-10 number system with the metric system. (By the way, they HATE the productive discomfort this is bringing and even coined the term, "kill the meters" instead of kilometers!) After math, we worked on the Ohio Energy Project and heat.

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