Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Back and Forth

Since Mrs. Hider has begun the takeover :), I've noticed the students are very loose with their behaviors... so today, we reviewed above the line/below the line behaviors, no matter who is teaching. Then, I shared something that Mr. Higginbotham shared with us at our meeting this morning, #ObserveUs. What we do is post our goals outside of our classroom with a QR code that leads to a google form to fill out to give us feedback on our goals-if they were visible, met, examples, advice... Our goals are: 1-showing self-discipline to not talk while the teacher/speaker is talking, 2-being purposeful with our actions and 3-showing empathy and kindness in all we do. Now, we're just waiting on some feedback!

Today's word sort went so well! Students are doing much better with looking at the spelling of the words and listening to the sounds of the words to put them together to sort them and find their patterns. Some patterns this week are: oy/oi and ou/ow, r-controlled vowels, short vowel sounds with multi-syllable words and au/aw/augh/ough. We finished Love That Dog today. Such good feelings with this book. I wonder what we'll be reading next! After reading independently, we revisited our StoryWorks informational texts we've read and searched for their text structures. We also received a fun Informational Text BINGO challenge/game to complete and in writing, we continued working on writing our informational text introduction and conclusion. Unfortunately, because of the rain, it was indoor recess and then in math, we discussed and practiced problem-solving strategies. We embraced productive discomfort! Finally, we concluded our day with the Ohio Energy Project and talking heat transfer and insulation. Have you used your weather stripping yet? 

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