Friday, February 2, 2018

Even crazier today!

The overall feel of the class was just chaotic and loud today. At least that is how it felt at the end of the day. We began with working on our Word Study Morning Choice and i-time followed by Art. Then, Mrs. Hider led our meeting where we shared what we're afraid of and along the same lines of our kindness slips from earlier in the year, we are making a kindness chain to share how we are empathizing and what we're doing. I'm hoping this chain will go all the way around the room by the end of the year! In The Beaded Moccasins, Mary snuck away and told Mrs. Stewart that she was about to be traded for muskets and Mrs. Stewart is ok with it! We also learned a little about how and why certain crops are planted. Then, we read, Groundhog Gets a Say! in honor of Groundhog Day and were inspired to create shadow puppets to inspire a writing story. There were some very silly stories! When we finished, we worked on our conference presentations. Thankfully, it was indoor recess (which is where the craziness began, I believe...Oh and we also did another mannequin challenge...) and instead of taking our M4T assessment during quiet time, we took them home to complete so time will not be an issue. Yes, you can help! For fun, we took a Following Directions Test and I laughed so hard! Ask your kiddo about it. Only 3 students followed the directions! We completed a Number Talk and then looked at decimals as money before heading to the MakerSpace. This challenge accompanied the book, Blackout, and we had to make something to help during a blackout.  *You'll have to check out all the fun photos on Facebook!

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