Monday, February 12, 2018

Short week

We only have 4 days this week and I happen to be out of the classroom for most of them, unfortunately. I was out this morning for a doctor appointment and physical therapy, I'm out tomorrow afternoon for a meeting and on Thursday, I'll be assessing reading. Luckily, Mrs. Hider was back today and will be there tomorrow afternoon too. She'll be assessing with me on Thursday though, but we'll be hanging out in the hall so still around.

This morning, after morning choice, students got new words for word study and wrote them in their planners so if you are curious, have them show you! They had music and then Mrs. Hider led morning meeting and began their new read aloud with them, Love That Dog. This is a novel told in poetry about a kiddo that doesn't like writing poetry! :) They read independently and continued their work with the informational paired text about jellyfish. In Writer's Workshop, they wrote about their morning from a perspective other than their own. We shared some of these: Caleb wrote from Lucky's perspective, Brianna wrote from the perspective of a chair and Robby wrote from Brady's perspective. They got to go outside for recess and after quiet time, we finished up with our exemplars we began on Friday and then fixed a previous exit slip and played some decimal practice games. At the end of Math, they signed up for when they are ready to assess. See what your kiddo thinks:
We ended our day setting up our "Save the penguin!" experiment. They had to try to keep a soda can cold using one of the following materials: nothing, foil, plastic wrap, felt (I couldn't find wool), paper towels or cotton balls. 

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