Monday, October 30, 2017


We have worked with Plus/Delta charts previously but today, we added the Prescription column. We were very talkative and unfocused today (not a surprise with tomorrow being Halloween). We discussed that they will need to use extra self-discipline this week with Halloween and the excitement that brings, however, if we have some strategies in place, it might help to make the next days better. They came up with some great ideas that we will be implementing tomorrow.

We completed our morning choice and i-time activities before heading to Music. After returning from Music, in meeting, we shared our favorite candy we get while trick-or-treating (or just favorite candy) and played a Halloween version of "Just Like Me!" We said the Pledge and then came to the climax in The Wild Robot! It was intense and we didn't want to stop reading today! We read independently and then in Reader's Workshop, continued working on understanding the setting of The Curse of Winter in StoryWorks. In Writer's Workshop, we continued drafting and revising our small moment stories. Lunch was noisy and recess was freezing! After quiet time, we discussed some of the biggest misconceptions from our math assessment that we took/began taking last week. After discussing and practicing how to solve these problems, we got our tests back to fix our mistakes. (After grading these, we still need another day to work on these...) This took us the entire afternoon.

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