Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Average Wednesday

Today was a typical day. We began with our morning choices and i-time. After gym, Mr. Nick and Miss Lauren led our meeting where we shared what we are going to be for Halloween and told someone from the opposite gender something about us that they didn't know and then lined up in order of our birthday month and day (thankfully not year!) and said the Pledge of Allegiance. In The Wild Robot, Roz experienced winter and "hibernation" and helped some animals with staying warm in the bitter cold by building and teaching them how to build a fire. Next, we read independently and made some more booksnaps. We practiced our fluency by reading the drama from StoryWorks, The Curse of Winter, from Greek Mythology about Persephone and why we have winter. In Writing, we made notes, cards, letters and origami for our Adopt-a-class in Houston. In Math Workshop, either took our Unit 2 post-test and Unit 3 pre-test, practiced multiplication and division or worked with me to help with understanding multiplication and division. We ended our day working on our timelines we are making about our lives, using primary sources.

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