Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Good day

Today was good. We completed our morning choice activities and i-time. Then, we had our best music rehearsal yet (according to Mrs. Root)! After special, Mrs. Andrews came in to give us the NNAT2, an ability test that all 4th graders in the district are taking this year. Some students had already taken this test so they went and worked with Miss Hanlin (they were measuring the cafeteria...) After, we discussed mind movies or visualizations and how they help us to understand the text. We practiced while reading, The Wild Robot. Today, Roz went to the beavers to help her build a home for her and Brightbill. So far, every animal she's met has begun by calling her a monster and by the end of their encounter, calls her friendly and by her name... is this a pattern? Then, we read independently and in Writer's Workshop, we had one more step to plan our narratives-create a timeline or story map to make sure we have the beginning, middle and end. We had lunch, recess and quiet time and then, in Science, we tried to think about how the Grand Canyon was formed. We looked at the Grand Canyon on Google Earth too. Then, we read books and discovered some interesting facts about the Grand Canyon, volcanoes, islands and lots of other ideas related to landforms and the processes that shape Earth. In Math Workshop, we began with our differentiated dice activities to learn about factors, multiples, prime and composite numbers and then discovered some more ideas about division. We also took some of our ideas and made them a little more efficient. Ask your kiddo to show you how they are dividing.

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