Friday, October 6, 2017


Today was absolutely amazing! We didn't have music (there wasn't a sub for Mrs. Root) so we were able to complete all of our work without "cramming" it in to our day! (According to Aaron!)

We worked on our spelling choice activities and in meeting, we began by reading the book, I Am Peace and ended with a guided meditation. (Check us out on Twitter and Facebook!) They really seemed to enjoy it so I think we might do these meditations again sometime! Then, we shared where/when we are at peace. We also played Popl and practiced multiples of 4 and 7. Next, we needed a little brain break so we did some GoNoodle! (Again, check us out on Twitter and Facebook!) In The Wild Robot, Roz decided to introduce herself to the animals and that did not go so well. They were all scared of her, however, when Fink, the fox, needed her to help him get all the porcupine quills out of his face, she was there for him. I wonder if others will open up to her too? We read independently for almost 30 minutes~excellent stamina! In StoryWorks, we looked at Freddie, the main character from our fiction story, and used textual evidence to prove our thinking. Then, we got out our Lego StoryStarter kits and tried to create our character, from our seed or small moment story, showing both external and internal character traits. This was a do you show internal traits?? After writing our assignments down, we went to lunch and OUTDOOR recess. For quiet time, we completed our M4T Assessment and when finished, Mrs. Firestone came in to lead a 3 Act Task with fidget spinners! We ended our day finishing up anything we needed to finish and clean up.

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