Thursday, October 12, 2017


I've decided that we just have to accept that Thursdays are going to be crazy and we will get done what we get done.

We had morning choice and i-time and unfortunately, most are not using morning choice or i-time successfully right now. So, we'll brainstorm some ideas to allow all to be successful during this time to better themselves. After i-time, we had a great meeting. We greeted 2 friends that we hadn't talked to yet and then shared our favorite fall treats: some of you, I hear, make some really good pumpkin cookies!! :) We played, "Flub it," and then said the Pledge of Allegiance. We still had some time before heading to our mindset special so we finished up our timelines/story maps so we are pretty much ready to draft! After special, in The Wild Robot, the deer helped Roz to build a garden and a lot of the forest animals helped out! (In a really funny way, too!) We read independently and wrote about our reading and then discussed fluency and how to best read fluently. We even practiced some-maybe your kiddo can share with you tonight or this weekend. After writing in our planners, lunch, recess and quiet time, we did a Mystery Science exploration for "Will a mountain be there forever?" with sugar cubes! Our day ended with music rehearsal.

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