Saturday, September 2, 2017

Always behind...

All day, I felt like we were a few minutes behind...our morning choice was Game Time so we played games after completing our morning procedures. After we returned from Art, in meeting, we shared our "worries." Some had worries about spiders and storms...we read, Wilma Jean, the Worry Machine and then organized our worries into things we can and can't control and what they can "give" to me. Then, in Wonder, the students in Auggie's school, finally got "used" to his face and he started to feel a little more ordinary. We read independently and then got our first StoryWorks magazine! They love these and so do I! We got comfortable with understanding the magazine and read our first story, the non-fiction piece about the 2016 flood. I also showed them how to access the stories online to see extras and have some stories read to them. In Writer's Workshop, we continued working on our Important paragraphs about ourselves. Lunch and a chilly recess was next and then after quiet time, we worked on our first Math 4 Today assessment. Each day, we work on a few math problems from all aspects of math-not just what we are currently working on. Then, on Fridays, we take a mini-assessment to make sure we are keeping up all math skills. In Math Workshop, we continued to practice and worked on patterns. We ended our day with our final day working with our Rubik's Cubes. (I'm so close to completing mine!!)

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