I'm thinking this is the new norm for me! The class was ok-not great-but ok, but I was the one feeling chaotic. It doesn't help that my youngest injured her knee at softball and when she went to Sports Med today to get it checked out, has a sleeve fracture of her patella! Ugh!
Most of the class went to their younger buddy class for morning choice while the others had their choice of what to do. After music, in meeting, we shared about our weekend and then played a little bit of Just Like Me! followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. In Wonder, Auggie headed to the 5th grade Nature Retreat which he was very nervous about and so were we! Fortunately, so far, things are good. Next, we read independently, visited the library and conferenced with me. In Reader's Workshop, we practiced main idea by sorting cards and creating a title of the groups. In Writer's Workshop, we picked the small moment we want to write about and made sure we knew the beginning, middle and end, characters and setting. It was a sweltering recess (yes, I have recess duty and I very much recess...) and then after quiet time and cooling off, we completed a Number Talk and then I became the least liked person ever because I gave them "hard math!" (According to them.) However, they figured out what they needed to in order to be successful and even got to the point where they knew how to solve a problem like 26,987 x 7! It wasn't as hard as they thought and a LOT of kids gave up and stood in their own way when it came to trying to solve the problem. We ended our day with a collaboration and teamwork activity called, "Saving Sam." How did your kiddo do?
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