Today was Talk Like a Pirate Day! We read, Pirates Don't Change Diapers and then found our pirate names (I'm Red Boot Bess) and then Dante taught us how to fold paper to make pirate hats! (pics on Twitter and Facebook)
Another crazy thing was that we released a monarch butterfly! Mrs. Bowers, our Art teacher, somehow has all of these monarch chrysalis' that she brings in. Well, it was time to release one and we had Art first thing this morning so we were the lucky ones! I was a little weirded out at first but I overcame my discomfort and between Kyler and I, we got it out and it flew away! It was gorgeous! (video and pics on Facebook)
Other than those crazy out-of-the-ordinaries, our day was pretty normal. We worked on our morning choice activity and then after Art and releasing the butterfly, we did our pirate activities for morning meeting. In Wonder, we came back to August and today, he discussed having to get hearing aids. However, since he doesn't have much outer ear, he needed a headband to keep them in his ears. He really didn't want to wear them because he already felt different enough but once the doctor turned them on... wow! He described it as hearing brightly. We also have a kiddo that wears hearing aids and he chose to share with us a little bit about his experience with them. Thanks, Caleb! Next, we read independently or visited the library and then continued our work with main idea and supporting details using the Infographic in StoryWorks. We almost made it outside for recess but it began coming down while we were eating lunch. Unfortunately, we needed some reminders for indoor recess behaviors that are above and below the line. (It was only our 2nd indoor recess, though!) In Math Workshop, we: took our Unit 1 post-test, took the Unit 2 pre-test or worked on different activities for practicing our basic multiplication facts. It was a lot less chaotic~which means, we're getting the hang of it! We ended our day in the Media Center with Mrs. Dornburgh teaching us how to find some of the new features of the library, like Series books, Graphic Novels and Fiction.
Great stuff! What an exciting day!