Thursday, August 31, 2017

First substitute

Unfortunately, we had to have our first substitute this morning BUT at least it was Ms. Kneip-a Kindergarten teacher at ADE who happened to be a substitute in our building a lot last year, so most of them knew her! :) I have Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as Osteoarthritis in my knees... I will be having a partial knee replacement over winter break (actually, I'll have to miss a few days before) and I had my appointment today to get everything set up and scheduled. It's hard to believe but I should be able to come back the same day as the kids! Anyway, while I was out, their morning choice was collaboration so they built with legos. It's Thursday and every Thursday is a crazy schedule so they had Writer's Workshop in two parts but continued working on their Important Paragraphs. Keeping with the kindness theme, Ms. Kneip read, The Invisibly Boy, for read aloud. They read independently and then responded to their reading and then I returned during Writer's Workshop part 2. After lunch and recess, we came in and had quiet time and in Math Workshop, we split up into groups and worked on math skills: places of numbers, values of numbers, expanded form, standard form and 10x bigger. I think they have a much better understanding than they showed previously. Sometimes, you just need a little extra practice. We ended our day finishing up with Rubik's Cubes. I'm making progress on mine!

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