Tuesday, September 5, 2017

We're getting there...

We stayed pretty true to our schedule today! I felt rushed and so did the kiddos but we did it... it will take a little bit of time to feel less rushed as we transition but we'll keep getting better. We're still chatting during transitions so once we get that taken care of, some won't feel so behind. After completing our morning procedures, students had morning choice. What choice did your kiddo make? Today was Music and unfortunately, we were too chatty in the hallway to earn a potato head piece. I love that they like each other but there's a time and place for being chatty. In meeting, we learned different ways to say hello and then shared about our weekend, followed a few rounds of "Would you rather?" and then we said the Pledge of Allegiance. In Wonder, it was Halloween-Auggie's favorite because everyone wears masks and looks weird! However, he was crushed when he overheard his friend, Jack, saying mean things about him...I wonder how this is going to pan out... We read independently and some FINALLY got to go to the library! Then, we re-read or listened to the non-fiction story in StoryWorks and completed a vocabulary worksheet about the story. The story is actually about the Louisiana flood of 2016-very fitting with what is going on in Houston right now. (**By the way, we were matched with a 3rd grade classroom in Houston! I'll send an email home once we get more information about their needs.) Then, in Writer's Workshop, we completed our Important Paragraphs. After writing in our planners, we headed down to lunch and recess. Once inside, we had a bit of quiet time and then had a place value engineering challenge in Math Workshop. After practicing how to airplay and share our creations, we ordered big numbers in small groups and then buddied up with another group to order even more numbers. Our day ended by discussing what we know about Ohio, what we want to learn about Ohio and working to learn Ohio's state symbols with a coloring activity.

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