Monday, August 21, 2017

Technology glitches and solar eclipse

Today was crazy! We rushed around trying to change our passwords this morning so that we could get our ipads set up and begin using them, however, their old passwords had never been wiped out. So, Mrs. Parker-Jones and Mrs. Bargar (tech teachers) went child by child to input their information. After gym, we went down and picked up our ipads! Woohoo! We came back to the class only to find that the wifi we're supposed to set our ipads to, wasn't available. Bummer! So, we powered them down and decided we'll try again tomorrow! After a quick meeting, we went out to recess before lunch since we couldn't go at our normal time due to the solar eclipse. After lunch, we read a couple books and then learned about eclipses by reading an informational article, before going out to view the solar eclipse. We also streamed the eclipse through NASA's website, while we worked, which is good because the clouds were in our way for a lot of the eclipse. We did get to see some of it though!! Once we returned to the room, we familiarized ourselves with our classroom and tidied up some of our supplies.

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