Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Good and productive

Today was a good and productive day! We began with Problem-Solving as our morning choice activity after completing our morning procedures. Then, we discussed i-time: what that is and what it will look like. Ask your kiddo what the i in i-time means. After brainstorming some skills to learn and practice, we headed down to music where Mrs. Root talked to us about parts in our show. Once we returned to our room, and put up another potato head piece!, we had our morning meeting where we shared what was marvelous in our lives right now and decided/discussed/identified what "Ready to Learn" looks like and means. Then, in Wonder, Auggie began his first day of school and Julian, the bully, made another ugly appearance. We also watched the movie trailer and got ideas for our t-shirt designs. We read independently and I conferenced with some about what they were reading and then we wrote a little about our reading. (This is in their binder in the Reading section.) Next, in Writer's Workshop, we distinguished what K-3 sentences look like and identified similarities and differences. We also wrote a paragraph-a collection of sentences on the same topic. After writing in our planners, we had a glorious lunch and outdoor recess! We came in and relaxed with quiet time and then completed our first Number Talk of the year. Next, we headed outside for a lesson on 10x bigger and musical numbers fun and then came in when they were complaining about being "too hot." :) Finally, we looked at some videos of octopi or octopuses that can solve puzzles and did-tried-some solving ourselves with our Rubik's cubes.

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