Monday, August 28, 2017

First Community Meeting

We are really trying to get into a routine but there's just so many out of the ordinaries! We began our day signing up for jobs for the week. Did your kiddo get a job? Then, we answered our morning question--today was Marvelous Monday. Did anyone point out what was marvelous about your child? Instead of coming in and completing morning WORK, we are going to have morning CHOICE. Each week, they will choose what they want to work on to warm their brains up. This week, we are spending one day each on the different choices. Today was artistic expression: color, draw, paint, etc. And then we went to Art! After special, we began our meeting by greeting each other and sharing a little about our weekend. Then, we went to our first school community meeting. Mr. H talked with us about E + R = O, taking care of OURSELVES, OUR SCHOOL and EACH OTHER, choosing "Above the Line" behaviors and what all of this looks like. After our school meeting, we came back to finish our class meeting. We read, The OK Book and Thanks for the Feedback, I think. Both had really great messages! After some discussion, we moved onto our read aloud, Wonder. We are working to be a Certified Kind Classroom this year by completing activities while reading Wonder. Our first activity is to design a t-shirt visualizing what kindness and inclusion mean. Has your child discussed anything about Auggie with you? This is an AMAZING book and is a movie coming out this year too! Next, we read independently and then discussed choosing "Just Right" books and how most of them are probably still reading "Easy" books... Then, we got all signed up for Kidblog. Homework is to write a blog post about themselves AFTER reading some examples of blogs (found in Canvas.) We made it through lunch and recess without rain! After quiet time (which I heard at least 3 kiddos say was their "favorite part of the day"), we began our Math Workshop by taking a pre-test and working on Math4Today. Finally, and probably the only thing you'll hear about, we began our You Can Do The Cube, Rubik's Cube STEM challenge.


  1. Hi. There was some confusion about when the blog was due. In the planner it said Tuesday, is that tomorrow or next week?


  2. NEXT Tuesday. Normally it would be Monday but we don't have school.

  3. Great thank you! I LOVE the blog and Facebook page you have.
