Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Mrs. Hider

I was out this morning for a follow-up from my surgery so it was Mrs. Hider's first day without me. Mrs. Bowers (the sub-not art teacher) was there and did most of it but Mrs. Hider led meeting for the first time! She's still observing for one more week and then she'll be taking over more and more. They read Ada's Violin for read aloud and got a new StoryWorks magazine in Reader's Workshop where they worked with the poem, The Snowflake. After indoor recess due to the temperature, we had quiet time and a Number Talk. In Math Workshop, we continued our work with fractions and decimals by creating a human number line. Each kiddo had either a fraction or a decimal and they put themselves in order. Then, we worked on an Exemplar and played Decimal Top-it. Since they decided they wanted to prove their thinking yesterday in Science, we set up our experiments and tested them. Ask them what they discovered and why!

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