Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Hungry today!

I feel like we got a lot done today! We began with morning choice activities with a word study focus. Once we grasped this concept, we were good to go. After Music, in meeting, we shared our favorite sports team. (For some reason, everybody needed a snack today so I went through an entire bag of goldfish-the big ones that I get at Sam's Club, too! Maybe they're growing... Anyway, I was getting snacks so we didn't have time to play the game.) In The Beaded Moccasins, Mary decided she needed strength, like they boys in the tribe. So, she jumped into the icy water too...luckily, she was saved by White Eyes! Hepte told her that she already had more strength than those boys. We read independently and then discussed the poem we completed yesterday. In Writer's Workshop, we completed our shared opinion writing. I feel so much better about them doing their writing assessment now. I think for the next writing, our informational report, we might complete a shared writing because they really did well with this modeling. After yet another indoor recess, in Math Workshop, we finally finished reviewing and practicing and securing (mostly secure) our understanding of fractions. We are ready to move on to decimals! (Some still need some extra practice with fractions, though so don't stop working on them!) Our day concluded working on Science and the Ohio Energy Project. We talked about what energy is and how we use it and can be more efficient.

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