Friday, January 26, 2018

Great day!

Today was just a great day overall! It's not as if anything specific happened but we got quite a bit accomplished, kiddos were happy and after all the kids left, Mrs. Hider and I looked at each other and said, "That was really fun! We had a really good day, today!"

We began with morning choice and i-time, followed by gym. In meeting, we shared the first thing we do when we get home from school and then played category challenge with animals. In The Beaded Moccasins, Mary is headed to the trading post to help them with reading treaties, however, they don't know that she can't read... after reading independently, we spent 45 minutes on our checkpoint writing assessment. They have WAY too much anxiety! We need to do more of these types of assignments/tests because they were giving up before we even began! It was a beautiful day for outdoor recess and after taking our Math 4 Today assessment (which came home with them today and they weren't wonderful), we took the decimal pre-assessment and got started with understanding decimals by playing a game with tenths and hundredths. They really enjoyed it so we just played and played until the end of the day.

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